Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

what will we be known For

The united States of America in one Sense Could Be Called the Pinnacle of western civilization, the Government of Cicero 's Dream, the Epicenter of Science, the first to the moon, Technology at the Speed of thought, Wealth Beyond Anything the world has ever Seen Before, or will we Be judged By the statement that reads "to whom Much A given Much expected. "As we Stand hear watching the Death of all that created this Dream Called American most of our population can Be Seen as one Artist projects in this underwater sculpture. I can almost hear Patrick Henry Screaming from Beyond the Grave "why Stand ye here Idle" when all that we Gave To You Dies on your watch! What will you be known for.? How Do You Spend. Your Life Because as Benjamin Franklin. Said "If thou Loves life then thou wouldn't waist time Because that is the Stuff Life is Made out of. " What we Do in the time we are Given will Define who-we are. It is time to Start Living intentionally for Excellence and reclaim our right to govern our self. By Taking Back Our Personal responsibilities that we have been told, we are to Dumb , Lazy and Ignorant to do for ourselves A responsible Population needs no Big Government, Because they govern themselves, No Central planning Because they plan themselves. But an irresponsible Population that seeks Security over responsibly will sell themselfs into slavery one responsibility at a time. Every time you blame some one else you are one step closer to bondage, because if some one else is the reason for anything in your life wether it be education, income, or even your additude, then some one elese is in control of it. If you are depending on some one else then by definition you are that thing or persons ,dependent that is bonded    To that thing or person. Like the most secure people in the world those that stay in the Maximum security Prison. Remember the way you are Living is what you are Dying for.