Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cycle of the body politic

Cycle of the body politic States that all men start in slavery , then comes truth, from truth comes great courage, which leads to freedom, freedom leads to abundance , abundance to complacency, complacency to apathy, apathy to dependency, dependency to slavery. (Seek Truth , Live it , and Share it Because that which we do not take responsibility for we will become in-saved to.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

12/28/2009 Peter Schiff On The Glenn Beck Show: Will Gov't Get Out Of The Way In 2010?

Historically all country's with paper money not tied to Gold always end up with Hyper inflation

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ron Paul discusses Austrian vs. Keynesian economics on Morning Joe 05/15/2009

As americans we need to know the Truth about economics

I'm a Good Ole' American (Anti-Obama song)

10 Financial Danger Zones

the bug I have about global warming is when has it been Guilty until proven Innocent? Because if we are hurting the planet as good christen Stewart we should stop but, shouldn't there be a trial where all were proven guilty, I remember when I was young watching The Famous O.J. Trial If the Glove don't fit...... when the majority of the world believed he was guilty we justified it with Innocent until proven Guilty I have a hard time believing that the the defense would have been able to get a not guilty verdict if indeed they had to have proven him Innocent? why should This Global warming deal be any different?